MAS*H: 10 šokujúcich faktov o hercoch, ktoré nepoznáte

MAS*H: 10 šokujúcich faktov o hercoch, ktoré nepoznáte

Ak ste fanúšikom klasického televízneho seriálu MASH, ste na správnom‌ mieste!⁣ V tomto článku odhaľujeme 10 šokujúcich faktov o hercoch, ktoré ste možno doteraz nepoznali. Pripravte sa ‌na ‌prekvapenie a zároveň zábavu,​ keď ⁤sa ​dozviete viac o ‍zákulisí jednej z najobľúbenejších televíznych show⁣ všetkých čias. Bude to skutočná lahôdka pre všetkých milovníkov tejto kultovej ⁢série!

Zaujímavá história vzniku MASH

nás zavedie do sveta tejto legendárnej televíznej série, ktorá zaujala divákov po celom svete. Táto medicínska komédia je skutočný klenot v histórii ‌televízie a prekvapivo má mnoho fascinujúcich faktov, ktoré by ste možno ⁣nepoznali o hercoch​ tejto ikonickej‌ show.

10 šokujúcich faktov o hercoch M*A*S*H:

  • Alan Alda (Hawkeye Pierce) – Vo filme „The Long Goodbye“ mal sexuálnu​ scénu so silikonovou postavou!
  • Mike Farrell (BJ ‍Hunnicutt) – Pôvodne ‌si prišiel zahrať postavu kapitána BJ Jones, ale producenti‍ zmenili meno⁣ postavy na Hunnicutt,​ pretože sa báli, že by ‌sa našiel ​niekto s názvom‍ Jones, ktorý by tvrdil, ‍že ‌postava je založená na ňom.
  • Harry Morgan (Sherman Potter) – Predtým, než sa stal slávnym kvôli M*A*S*H, stihol si zahrať v 11 rôznych epizódach toho istého seriálu v rôznych úlohách!

Podrobný‍ pohľad​ na herecký ansámbel

Podrobný pohľad na herecký ansámbel

Here are 10 shocking⁣ facts about the actors from the hit TV show MAS*H that you probably didn’t know:

  • Alan Alda originally auditioned for the role ⁣of Hawkeye Pierce but was cast as Trapper John⁤ instead.
  • Mike Farrell was a college roommate of fellow actor Jim Beaver, ​who later appeared on the‌ show as Private Whitney.
  • Loretta Swit was the only cast member to appear in every single episode of the series.
  • Harry Morgan was actually a ⁢last-minute replacement for⁣ McLean Stevenson, who left the show after three seasons.
  • David Ogden Stiers was a talented musician and often incorporated his musical skills into his character, Major Winchester.

Skutočný život hercov po skončení seriálu

Skutočný život hercov‍ po skončení seriálu

Here⁤ are 10 shocking facts about ⁤the cast of MAS*H that you probably⁣ didn’t know:

  • Alan Alda⁤ – Despite playing a doctor on the show, Alda actually studied English at Fordham ⁤University.
  • Loretta Swit – Swit was ​originally cast​ as Hot Lips Houlihan, but she auditioned for the‍ role‍ of Margaret ‚Hot Lips‘ Houlihan.
  • Wayne Rogers – Rogers left the show‌ after three seasons due to a contract ‍dispute ‌with the producers.
  • McLean Stevenson⁣ – Stevenson’s character, Colonel Henry Blake, was⁤ killed ⁣off in a ​tragic twist that shocked fans.
  • Mike Farrell – Farrell initially auditioned for the role of Hawkeye Pierce before being cast as B.J. Hunnicutt.
  • Harry Morgan – Morgan joined the cast​ in⁣ season four as Colonel Sherman T. Potter and became ⁢a fan favorite.
  • David Ogden Stiers – ‍Stiers, who played​ Charles Emerson Winchester III, was‌ a talented musician and conductor in real life.
  • Jamie Farr – Farr’s character, Klinger, was originally written as a one-time guest role, but he became a series regular.
  • William Christopher‌ – ⁢Christopher, who played Father⁣ Mulcahy, was a trained theater actor ⁢before joining the cast of MAS*H.
  • Gary Burghoff – Burghoff, who portrayed Radar O’Reilly, was the only cast member to reprise his role in the spin-off series, AfterMASH.

Najznámejšie momenty z⁤ natáčania M*A*S*H

Here ⁢are some of‍ the ⁣most iconic moments from the filming of M*A*S*H that you may not have known about:

  • The legendary football⁤ game: The famous football game between the 4077th and the 325th Evac ‌Hospital was actually filmed during a real football game. ‍The actors ‌had to duck in between plays to avoid getting hit by⁢ the ball!
  • Alan ‌Alda’s improvisation: Alan Alda,​ who played‌ Hawkeye⁢ Pierce, was known for his improvisational ⁢skills. ‍Many of his best lines were actually ad-libbed ⁤on the spot.
  • The final episode: The final episode of M*A*S*H, „Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen,“ remains one of ​the most-watched television events in history, with over 105​ million viewers tuning in.


Dúfame, že vám tento článok priniesol zaujímavé informácie o hercoch z⁤ kultového ‍seriálu M*A*S*H. Aj keď ste možno‍ o nich doteraz ⁤nepočuli, ich príbehy a ‌úspechy ‍vás ‍iste potešia. Stačí len trocha pozornejší pohľad na týchto talentovaných umelcov a objavíte nové fascinujúce skutočnosti. Ďakujeme‌ vám za prečítanie a tešíme sa na vašu ďalšiu návštevu. A nezabudnite sledovať náš web pre viac zaujímavých informácií!
MAS*H: 10 šokujúcich faktov o​ hercoch, ktoré nepoznáte

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